Plot summary: Fu Jingci, the youngest financial tycoon in China, was poisoned by a group of foreigners while sniping foreign tycoons on Wall Street. When he woke up, he found that he had exchanged bodies with Bai Zhenxi, the most beautiful woman in the capital. Fu Jingci reluctantly accepted the fact that he was temporarily a woman, and had to deal with the provocation of his stepsister, the calculations of the scumbag, and the conspiracy of the green tea. He started his journey of fighting against the world, the scumbag, and the bitch, and developed feelings with Bai Zhenxi, who used his body, while exchanging information and fighting against the enemy together. Hello everyone, we are the English channel of JD pamper TV english Original short dramas are updated daily, focusing on sweet pets, time travel, and rebirth. All short plays are officially authorized and any infringement will be investigated! Welcome to subscribe to our channel and watch the latest short dramas as soon as possible!

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